What Is a Tooth Extraction and Socket Preservation?
Advanced periodontal disease can endanger teeth to the point where there is no other option but extraction. Other reasons a tooth may need extraction include extensive decay, bone loss, or fracture.
Medford Periodontics provides socket preservation when extracting teeth. A socket preservation procedure, or a dental bone graft, adds ground bone material to the area around the extracted tooth.
As the socket heals, the new bone material provides a scaffold for the natural bone to grow. This procedure creates more bone mass and allows the placement of a dental implant post.
Why May a Tooth Extraction and Socket Preservation Be Necessary?
Over time, damage related to periodontal disease wears away at the jaw bone. Infection and inflammation from bacterial waste products cause the gum and bone to break down, causing tooth loss. Without socket preservation, the patient would not have enough jaw bone mass to place a dental implant.
A periodontist may also undertake a socket preservation procedure to make an implant possible when a tooth has been missing for some time. Missing teeth cause the jaw bone to lose mass due to a lack of chewing stimulation.